

Conservation is vital and important in the Gulf of Mottama Ramsar Site Area, as it is rich in natural resources and ecosystem services, including fisheries, mangrove forests, mudflats, and agriculture. The Gulf of Mottama provides livelihood options to coastal communities and food for any species concerned in the area.

Currently, the Gulf of Mottama is under threat and facing various challenges for sustainability. Illegal fishing, bird hunting, ocean waste, cutting mangrove forests, upstream commercial mining, and the utilization of chemical substances in agriculture are major problems. These encounter the possibility of depletion of the natural resources and will affect future generations if we do not make a comprehensive framework for Gulf of Mottama coastal natural resource conservation and take collective actions.

The GoM is identified as the most extensive and


Since late 2018, researchers have confirmed the presence of three species of marine mammals in the Gulf of Mottama...

Due to the dynamic coastal morphology and sedimentation pattern of the Gulf of Mottama, the mangrove pioneers are...